I had a Migraine headache and now I cannot account for two days. They are lost in the fog. Forever.
Migraines are so debilitating! Even after the vision has cleared and you can let light come in the room, even when you can raise your head from your pillow and have a peak around from under your eye pads, your status still amounts to “invalid” Because there is still pain around the eyes and they are still sensitive to the light. Your forehead, facial muscles, teeth even – they all hurt and throb. There is nothing you can do except recline on a pillow and try to convince yourself that everything is fine and under control. But is it? really, is it?
You cannot read neither can write. Cannot watch TV nor can you surf the net. Facebook? no. Chat a bit? no
Drawing or painting for relaxing your nerves? oh no, not even that. Heck, you cannot even go bake a cake or make your family fave Vegetable Lasagna because doing all these wonderful, everyday things, you need a happy, healthy pair of eyes.
So what do people do when a migraine headache strikes? I want to know. Really want to know.
When there is no compulsion, I can sit motionless and let my mind drift. Or go out to admire the front yard, after the handyman has cut the grass and a nice cut grass smell is hanging in the air. Watching the bees making circles around the flowers in search of nectar. A lone butterfly flitting in the bushes. Or, some white Heron standing in the lake on one leg, with neck tucked under the wing and yet aware of fish breaking the lake’s surface and catching it in one swift motion.
Life is so beautiful and these are just a few of its gifts. Eyes being the most precious of all. I wish you never get a migraine headache!