seeker seeks …

Yesterday, went to a friend’s house on the other side of the town. She was having a Majlis-e- A’zaiy Hussain A.S at her house. Met many good friends after a long time. This is the beauty of these mehfils. They are a renewal of the faith and belief – a reminder to follow the path that the infallibles showed us.  They not only bring us together at one place but also give a feeling of ‘being’ together, closer and bonded.
This was in the afternoon so by the time I came back home it was quite late and I couldn’t go to the Center for the nightly majlis. I tried to find something online to make up for the loss.
I watched two 45 minute each mjaalis in Saraiki – which is a Multan / Bahawalnagar dialect. I love this language. I was just a little girl when I first fell in love with the way it sounds. I remember a zakirah coming to my mamun’s house on Jail Road, every Mah e Muharram and reciting in Saraiki … five mjaalis every year. In Mochi Gate also, in one of the Imam-bargaahs a zakir e Hussain A.S would deliver the Zikr in Saraiki. No one paid attention to a seven year old girl, sitting wide eyed closer to the partition and savoring each word coming out of the zakir’s mouth.
And then I grew up and the magic got lost. Life !!
After listening to these beautiful Zikr, I found another gem.  Ahle-Baiyt TV’s recording of a talk show where Shaheed Sibt e Ja’far Zaidi gave a talk on tradition, mhasin, timings and meanings of soz, salaam, marciya and manqabat and so much more … reciting his own klaam  – a small part of marciya or soz in between.  Listening to him was a kind of ‘gift’- I would say.
When the heart cries out, yearning for some answers, Allah in His own mysterious ways, gives the seeker what he seeks.
11/ 12/ 13
11:08 AM

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